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Paloma, 750ml
Paloma, 750ml
Paloma, 750ml
Paloma, 750ml

Paloma, 750ml


Mexico’s most refreshing and popular cocktail - the ‘Paloma’ - meaning ‘dove’ in Spanish. Rumoured to be named after the popular folklore song ‘La Paloma’ composed in the 1860s and invented by Javier Delgado Corona, owner of ‘La Capillita’ bar in Jalisco district - home of tequila

This refreshing drink combines acidity and sweetness from grapefruit soda and lime with punchy herbaceous flavours from the tequila - reinvigorating and delighting its drinkers, and sure to give energy to the night!

Contains: 750ml total, 4-5 servings


ABV 10%

Serve cold over ice, and optionally with a slice of grapefruit

Store in the fridge

Tequila, grapefruit juice, soda, lime juice, salt